Undadogz mystery caller

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I heard this mystery caller, who tells us he knows the truth
He said he'd rather be a martyr, than give in to you
He cried life isn't what we know it, life will be destroyed
there's more to our existence, things we can't avoid
I heard him sob his heart out
his face was on tv
he said we are all in this together
no one is gonna set us free
make the most of what you have now
that's the only thing that's real
don't believe in what they tell you
they never will reveal
I've seen it all happen, from my tv screen
total devastation, distraught by what i've seen
the catchment in the cities, are they really predefined
trapped are all our brothers, in this web of lies
I heard him sob his heart out
his face was on tv
He said we are all in this together
no one is gonna set us free
i am trying to warn you
that there are bigger things out there
the freedom we take for granted
is practically just air
the radio's dead
explosions over head
strange lights in the sky
now the lines been cut
because he said too much
a watching satelite
I heard him sob his heart out
his face was on tv
He said we are all in this together
no one is gonna set us free
communications failing
i'm running out of time
you don't have to judge me
just keep an open mind