Jay alt forr me

Go with God. God's gonna sit this one out I took a nasty fall
I was about to fall under me, I got used to it
You got me on my feet and showed me the answer
before life is hard, I'm a bitch, not everything< br/>å levd ilammæ me t e dørt dæ åleinæ
never in my life have I felt more at home
e no real vænæ give e life before di
mæn know anyone here e fake yes so drit e i di
d hær e seriously, shit e e tired of hesitating
before vænnæ means fuckme more than mesjjøl
have someone jort now mæ me - don't jær dæ ijæn
mæn touch someone friend, you're having a damn good day
man remember that your door goes both ways
e get up before you then get up before me yes
Would you ride for me, well ima ride for you
would you die for me, then ima die for you
If you want to fall before me, then you will fall before that
before real love means everything before me
Would you ride for me, well ima ride for you
would you die for me, then ima die for you
If you want to fall before me, then you will fall before then
before real love means everything before me
one episode before ten tbake
made me seriously think about fucking flying
a friend of mine had beaten a guy
and when he came here to say you were fucking crazy
we saw the blood that flowed and it flowed over before me
bear say me come and correct yes then he knocks him down
then we jumped down into the cellar where he the devil was standing
e was completely gone, raise your fist to hit this kind of thing happens
that someone hurts or hurts someone who gets used to me
before you take care of me, then you know
I don't know who I am and I will never forget
so, everyone who hurts me with salt in
get used to it and they die all the time!
Not the best themselves, they hardly said
it's a bit difficult to talk about everything
br/>but check you som mein you have forgotten me
are you bitter before you yes so beautiful
maybe someone carries game ha hear an answer
so sorry that e have not been dar
e e ready before bleeding, count to fight tel e door
mæn mæns e try, to bi vænn mæ mesjøl
mæn not grow up before e e e packæ mæ hate
e don't come and tell me to stop, before I lose my foot
even if the lake is a hole, yes, I will hear you tell me
damn you don't care about it, so you should take the shot
so many here as e forernakræ in hate
to care e me? nah, I give the fuck of course
before violence it's nice and we have proud smiles
oh vænnan mennæ - you're fåkking real.