Septacy of birth death

I don't know what's going on.
Everyone around me is on their knees.
As they close their eyes they speak as one.
Is the road ahead of me
predetermined to go uphill?
I hope so yet I barely grasp the concept.
I thought he’d weep for us
but it never rains where I live.
Like the clouds who’ve given up on the flowers,
my body rests
while my mind dries up, evaporates.
And my hollowed shell is left to rot.
Oh brothers of mine
what differences of ours will truly shine
far brighter than our souls?
The bookends of birth and death
keep us in the middle.
Our stories read and closed now rest
all on the same shelf.
Teach me to love,
then grade my performance.
In this room of tests and wooden desks
we’re taught to embrace
the feelings of our brothers
as that of our own
We’re one in the same
Yet we exchange shame
Like it's currency
Throw away everything
Am I as broken as you make me feel?
Am I as broken as the evidence suggests?
Is this what love is?
A conditional high?
A privilege for when you comply?
Our souls reached out to each other
but our bodies denied their request.
A severed connection cut through to the bone
where I once put my hand on your face
has dried up all alone.
(Oh something)
Make the pain go away
Make the pain go away
I'll do anything
this pain we all share make it please go away
You say we need justice through to the end
but isn’t justice just justified revenge?
Why are my hands ‘round your throat?
They may as well be a rope
and my body the ceiling from which you hang.
There's no end to the violence we see
One day we’ll teach our children about peace
But until then
eyes on the future
settle the score
Break out of your silent prison
Our ambitions aren’t yet riven
When our spirits come together we won’t fail