Sips feat. The Yogscast big girl

Sips: You're a big girl
'Cause you've eaten too much and your pants don't fit around your waist
You just eat pie, always really hungry
You just eat pie, always really hungry
You're a big girl
And it's gone too far but you can't get enough of that sugary taste
Like a burger and fries you're going super-size
Straight to your thighs
And you eat
And you eat
All day long
Piles of twinkies and ding-dongs
Double cheesecake and chocolate flakes
You can eat a footlong, take it down in one
And still have room for popcorn!
Cause you're a big girl
And you're got too fat
Ate a double cheese burger on the way
You just eat pie, always really hungry
You just eat pie, always really hungry!
You're a big girl
Eaten way too much
And it makes you feel worse everyday
Life would be better if you could just be thin, could just be thin
But that's wrong!
You're amazing!
Here at SipsCo
We think you're beautiful as you are
Just so you know
Lunch is sloppy joes
Yeah big girls like you are needed all year round
Working at SipsCo
Sjin: Oh you're a big girl
But we love you so much!
We give out free passes to the cafe
You can eat pie on the SipsCo money,
You can eat pie on the SipsCo money!
Duncan: You're a big girl
Help yourself to ice-cream cause we've gotta keep you in shape
Lewis: Hey honey! Have you seen these great waffles?
Hannah: Say honey, have a sip of this milkshake!
Simon: Say honey, have you got room for pizza?!
Sips: It's all for free!
Ooooh yeah
SipsCo money
You're big
So, so very big
But it doesn't even matter