Spectral Lore a rider through the lands of an infinite dreamscape

Like the Wind, I sweep through majestic landscapes
Wandering, lost, among endless deserts, forests,
Deep seas and high mountains.
They rise, glorious but melancholic around me.
As if knowing... their own impermanence.
How small and insignificant they make me feel.
Then, time creeps in, and I remember Death.
And questions do not leave me.
Why did the first organic molecule copy itself?
Did it think it could retain its consciousness that way?
Or hoped that its offspring would someway, someday, escape mortality?
Maybe through constant change and evolution?
Gaia screams and coils around me.
The organic and inorganic in union.
Affecting and re-defining each other.
Is it complete, that way, or still void, as ourselves,
seeking for fullfillment?
I see the pain and meaninglessness, and feel it deep inside.
The cycle of renewal, of the demise of individual existence, is still one of tragedy.
Why would we have attained consciousness,
If we were always supposed to adhere to the Eternal Law?
Is my Will opposite to that of the Outer?
Or, can we forge paths of harmony, inbetween us?
If I can dream, therefore I can transform.
We are Warriors of the Universe. We are here for a reason.
I believe it wants us to change it. It wants us to evolve ourselves, then our surroundings.
But how? In what direction? Where is right and wrong, in the cosmic scale?
Is it enough to be good human beings?
Or is this feat, of such unimaginable difficulty,
That every human must absolutely surpass the limits of one's existance,
Towards greater and greater understanding, complexity, continuity, fulfillment.
In a great mission to defeat Gravity, to liberate, once and forever,
All Existence from the cycle of birth and death (bang and crunch).
To extend into all dimensions, physical and temporal.