Banda Cuisillos renunciacion

I don't want to see you cry
I don't want to see the sorrows
get into your good soul
because of my love
I don't want to see you suffer
I'm not capable of offending you
if you know that until death
I swore to be only yours
If you did not find tenderness in my soul
if I only cause you sorrows
my life is leaving you presence
even though it hurts my heart
And all for you little one, even if you pay badly
I was always what I am
I never told you lies
and I put your feet my life
without any condition
if you want it my love
I am leaving you forever
leaving a kiss on your forehead
as a final blessing
There will be no reproaches from me
I only care that you are happy
you see that I gave you everything in life
my poor life is for you