Bear Claw Alliance a lion s alliance

If you enter the sanctuary
You won't come back until we're done
This is your last chance to back out
There are basically two schools of thought,
how to join the alliance - part one:
To pass the test you need to put the rest
of the money in this location
welcome to the alliance
come on girl. Two:
To gain our trust
You have to feed our lust
But it will not be enough to be
Welcomed to the alliance
Reclaim your mind
You don't want to be here? You must feed the beast now!
No more new wounds, but beware:
There's still more pain to-come
Here comes the candidate
Here comes the man of the hour
To pass the test you need to put the rest
of the money in this location
welcome to the alliance
come on girl. Two:
To use a knife
to fight for your life
will not be enough to be
Welcomed to the alliance
I am the candidate
I am the man of the hour
The man in the bushes with a smile on my face
I wait in the darkness just to heighten the stakes
I've got a knife in my right hand,
and a rose in my left.
Preparing for battle against people with guns…
Haha, I really wasn't the best.