Cattivi Pensieri tutto da rifare

Bad Thoughts
An incredible story
Everything to do again
You can try to forget
when you break up you throw yourself down
there are those who shoot, there are those who get complacent
and on the first evening they can't take it anymore
so I only think about working
I'll start again
God why were you born
I would like to spend my whole life just laughing at you...
I'm not mad at you, I'm not mad at you... with you....
And then I don't sleep I live in black and white
how much this thing hurts me
I don't want anything I'm always out
it always rains in my house and I know that one day someone will come
who he will do to me what you did and I am an idiot who wants to give it hurts me
scared to love I don't let myself go
for better or for worse I am free free......
Everything to do again now it's all to do again-and< br/>afraid of loving to start again now it's all to be done again-to do
everything to be done again now it's all to be done again-and
afraid to love leave me alone now it's all to be done again-and! !!
You always only believe in love
the passionate one, the original one
the one that makes you reborn and die
and that always puts you into question
and if it ends it's not funny
better an accident but honestly
better to be happy together
without all these scenes
the past love I know won't come back
and what was still it hurts me
scared to love I don't let myself go
for better or for worse I am free free...
Everything to do again now it's all to do again-and
fear of loving to start again now it's all to be done again- to do
everything to be done again now it's all to be done again-and
fear of loving leave me alone now it's all to be done again-to do!!
/>Not me... Not me....... No!
Everything needs to be redone
the heart needs to be washed
everything needs to be redone, there's a lot to worry about
Everything to be redone, everything to be redone
everything to be redone-done...