Chili and the Whalekillers french girl

Second hand French authors writing second hand poetry
She was sitting on a park bench, beneath the willow tree
The schoolyards were crowded just like the stage of a cabaret,
she had seen too often, but she still had some black coffee
She had some chocolate wrapped in cellophane,
well prepared for the rendezvous on the lawn
Here She comes,
she comes a-walking
Second hand French wisdom and Simone de Beauvoir
It was me and Toulouse-Lautrec on the backseat of her car
He was reading Bukowski while I was staring at her legs
Henri tore out a page and rolled two fags
but she'd decided on Chesterfield ‘cause of the price and the scent
That was alright with me as long as I didn't have to smoke the same brand.
They were talking French and they kept talking on
I didn't understand a lot, but Se YOU pleases Napoleon
Here She comes,
she comes a-walking.
She's a French girl,
oh she's so French.