Christian Castro lo mejor de mi

Christian Castro
The Best of Me
The Best of Me
Maybe I could never give you
what others have already given you
maybe I didn't know how to love you
the way you dreamed
as your body was used to.
It could be that they loved you so much
that I will never be able to match it
explain to me the reason
so This is all I ask of you
because this goodbye is not justified.
If I always gave you
the best of me
and today you fly away from my life
making me a wound
br/>that I didn't deserve.
If I always gave you
the best of me
maybe it wasn't enough
and even if you never accept it
you know that I always It was like that.
I don't know, I don't even want to think about it
that you were pretending when we kissed
that when I loved you
you didn't feel anything
and that this time of ours has been in vain.
I know that you say you belong to no one
and I don't force you to be with me
if you have already decided
if today is the farewell
in short love that I have made a mistake.
If I always gave you
the best of me
and today you fly away from my life
giving me a wound
that I did not deserve.
If I always gave you my best, maybe it wasn't enough, and even if you never accept it, you know it was always like that.