Detest crossfire

Hellish night at the front
Destroy those plans
Cover that flank
A hundred yards up the hill
Blow up the tanks
Way past midnight
Deliberation in the bush
Enemy in sight
The way of the bullet
Is unforeseen
But my uniform is clean
We're in a crossfire
We're left out here
Sanity has disappeared
Shoot to kill
And fire at will
Conquer, rise up and roar
Side by side we stand
Before the final fight
We are ready
We stand proud
Delirious night
We're in a crossfire
We're left out here
Sanity has disappeared
Shoot to kill
And fire at will
Conquer, rise up and roar
We're in a crossfire
We're left out here
Sanity has disappeared
Shoot to kill
And fire at will
Conquer, rise up and roar