Die Aerzte sex me baby

I met you at a discussion. It was about women and violence.
In the fight against chauvinism, only solidarity helps us.
Afterwards we went to my place for a cup of fennel tea.
You were just talking about abortion, then there was mine Brain me to understand.
And you're horny, you're horny - F-I-C-K-E-N!
And you're horny, you're horny - B-U-M-S-E-N!
And you're horny, you 're horny - V-Ö-G-E-L-N!
And you're horny, you're horny, Honey!
We both hate this state and the pig system.
Hate the church and celibacy us too extreme.
We hate cops and the constitution and we don't mean maybe!
We want freedom here and now. C'mon and sex me, baby!
Sex me, baby!
The state is cheating on us, you said, and that possession is just theft.
Justice is an empty word, that's why you're pissed .
In the fight against the reaction, you often lack enough strength.
When you stand so helplessly in front of me, my brain breaks the isolation.
And you're horny, you're horny - F-I-C-K-E-N!
And you're horny, you're horny - B-U-M-S-E-N!
And you're horny, you're horny - V-Ö-G-E-L-N!
And you're horny, you' re horny, honey!
We both hate this state and the pig system.
We also extremely hate the church and celibacy.
We hate cops and the constitution and we don't mean maybe!< br/>We want freedom here and now. C'mon and sex me, baby!
Sex me, baby!
We both hate this state and the pig system.
We also extremely hate the church and celibacy.
We hate cops and the constitution and we don't mean maybe!
We want freedom here and now. C'mon and sex me, baby!
Sex me, baby, until the rind cracks!