Jarabe De Palo camino

I walk, I have something to learn
I walk, I still have to do
I walk, without knowing what awaits me
I walk, and I let myself be surprised
Who am I , where I am
I don't know exactly where I'm going
But I have a reason
To keep walking
I don't know what the mistake was
br/>Not even if there is a solution
But I have an illusion
To continue walking
I walk, that is my reason for being
I walk, I have a long way to go see
I walk, and destiny plays with me
I walk, I have nothing to lose
I walk behind my shadow
And with each step the road narrows
Road of side by side
In this race nothing makes sense
And I live perceiving the movement
I walk and I don't stop
Just in case the path narrows
I walk forward
br/>The past is already something that has been
And I continue to feel awake