Raymie Wilson scent of rosemary

I can remember her hands trembling
Shaking with suffering and hurting inside
The bag she brought me contained only memories
Scent of Rosemary and Lavender Oils
I can remember looking over her shoulder
Scent of Rosemary
T Shirts and toothpaste
Cassettes and a shoelace
Strange little bottle to cure all my ills
No more French Kisses in front of the fireplace
No more funny vodka or high telephone bills
I can remember
Looking over her shoulder
Scent of Rosemary
The broken nightmare of sleeping solitaire
Overseas working no more
Promises were made, only kept one end
Apart for three days
Then forever more
I can remember
Looking over her shoulder
Scent of Rosemary
Wondering why?
Vodka like bad wine
Went down the wrong line
Scent of Rosemary
That memories end
Trembling and shaking
The deal she was breaking
I Sent Rosemary
Out of my life