Rhapsody of Fire son of pain french version

[** Bonus Track:]
The echo of my footsteps haunts the valley*
Memories invade my thoughts
Days of anguish, nights of pain
Your voice, survival prisoner of my soul
The thread of my life is wisdom
You had the choice... it was the light
Find your way in this darkness
Spread your wings so that your heart soars
Your common sense was great
I live again now
Is this my last breath
And a final point
Generate by hatred
I will defy hell
The defeated reign was life for me
My thoughts were finally freed
From this demonic control
The sky is adorned with a glimmer of hope
Glimmer of hope
The tears of the angels raise an energy
Which shades the darkness, eclipses the misery
Seas, plains and deserts
A planet of wonders
For you I would fight
And I can be reborn
Is this my last breath
And an end point
Produced by hatred
I I will defy hell
Pray to the gods of thunder
Deny the flames of hell