Samy Deluxe das paradies

This this this - that that that
This this this - that that that
This this this - that that that
This this this - this that that
Listen to me...
[Part I:]
Baby, I'm looking for Paradise
Where that Adam bit the apple back then
And then poisoned himself, no, I don't want to go there yet
I'm just looking for paradise
No I really don't mean that, but this
Paradise where happiness is still free and the grass still sprouts
Ambiguous oh, rock the show today
In a big city, where like that Lots of people live
They're all looking for paradise
In a spit route through life
But unfortunately they don't look where they're going
Man, where are all the people who are like that? feel the way I feel
Who feel the same energy, play this song
Who want to go exactly where I go
Want, I mean this...
[Part II:] I'm looking for paradise
But this place is apparently just a fantasy
Where there is less rain, where you love your life
Wouldn't that be just fantastic
But nobody knows how to get there and I sing songs
About paradise but I've been over it for a long time
Yes, brothers and sisters It's about more than luck or bad luck
It's not about fair or unfair
It's about whether the glass is half full or half empty
It all depends on how you see it yourself
Many of us there are a lot of corpses lying in the basement
No wonder if it doesn't get better
If your life is like a battlefield full of mines
It robs you of your energy, it seems that the clock ticks even faster every day
Suddenly this melody sounds, do you hear this...
[Part III:]
Yes... Everyone interprets paradise completely differently
/>Do you notice when you turn on this song
I thought of the veranda yesterday
The veranda, I am a very well-known, mentally ill person
Person who feels the same as many others
Actually everything is ok, but I feel like a ship on the high seas
Always on the move and I never drop an anchor
No break, no home, a thousand little things that take up my time here
And it will continue like this for a while
While I continue on my search
Because I want to see paradise with my own eyes
And hear nothing, I wouldn't believe anyone , who says that he was there
Even if he was there, because his paradise is completely different, I'm looking for