Unsure we give you praise lord your worthy

Lord we ask what can we give
to the One who made it all
The worlds, the sun, the moon and stars
everything both great and small.
Then a still small voice
whisper sweet and low
saying I desire your praise
For it's the only thing that you can give
that I The Lord - can't make.
We give You praise
We give You praise
We give You praise, Lord your worthy
With hands upraised
We give You praise
We give You glory and praise.
Lord You gave your only son
For us you gave your best
So why should we offer anything
to you that would be less
Lord we bring not just the lesser things
from the labor of our days
But Lord we bring our very best
and our very best is our praise.
Chorus again.
Dear Lord we all are instruments
that you desire to play
So play us now make our song to rise
in a symphony of praise
Chorus again.
We give you glory, all glory and honor
We give you glory and praise.